Put You on Your “To Do” List!


If you're reading this article, congratulations, you managed to take a moment for yourself. If you had to hide in the bathroom to pull it off, you're not alone! Chances are you're asking yourself how you got here.

One of women's greatest frustrations is constantly feeling overwhelmed. As we juggle the roles of mother, wife, caregiver, cook, housekeeper, chauffeur, employee, friend…we set expectations that would terrify Superwoman. Our attempts to “do it all” result in never ending “to do” lists. Consequently, we spend sleepless nights helplessly reprioritizing Superwoman's "to do" list.

The stress begins when we don’t put ourselves on the "to do" list. As women we must create a healthy, balanced life for ourselves and those that depend on us. To start, we must acknowledge that we put ourselves at the bottom of the “to do” list. Then, commit to prioritizing ourselves higher. The world will not end if we do not get every single load of laundry done. Those dishes can stay in the sink a little longer. Instead, think about what you really enjoy doing. Perhaps walking with a friend, reading a good book, starting those morning runs again, or catching up on a show you DVR’d. Now, start carving out time to resume some of those interests. If it feels impossible, start small. Once a week, swap a chore for some “you time”. It’s time to get reconnected with you!

Once you stop over committing yourself you will realize, you meet your expectations and feel good about your accomplishments. The quality of what you achieve will improve. The best part is your stress and frustration will decrease. If you don't take care of yourself, you can’t be your best when caring for those most important to you. Everyone benefits from a happy, balanced woman!